Tuesday 24 January 2012

Let's start at the very beginning...

So here we are...my first 'blog'...and where to start? Call me Alex, Alexis, Alice, Lexi, Lex, Pats, Alexccino or even Alexandra (if I'm in trouble); I am a thirty year old woman determined to turnaround from a pretty downright awful 2011 and make the first steps towards a brighter, more positive 2012.  I am not usually one for New Year's resolutions (and I know I have left it quite late), however it is hard to argue that seeing out an old year and welcoming in a new one is an obvious chance to make changes.

I do not want to dwell on why 2011 was not a 'good year' for me but  twelve months of stress and anxiety has left me depressed and overweight-not good when you work in an image-focused industry!! So 2012, here I am!! In the words of Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand "Enough is Enough"...life is for living and no-one is worth putting it on hold for.

I am determined to wean myself off the prescription drugs that I have used so far to control my anxiety and depression and instead try to embrace a healthier lifestyle.  I have become fascinated with all the whole mind-body-food connection and want to explore how this could help me.  Although I know why I have gained weight in the last year, I only feel that now I have the strengh and confidence to start losing it.  It may take a while but hopefully I will learn what works for me and what doesn't.

So here we go...what is occupying me today...

Weightwatchers, natural supplements, herbal teas, a good read and of course, a bit of glamour courtesy of Grazia!! At the moment, these are my favourite things (outside of my friends and family!) that I will be testing to improve my general well being.  With my first Weightwatchers meeting now under my belt and with a cupboard full of Pukka teas, vitamins and minerals; I am ready to start taking the first steps to regaining control of life (well, as much as you realistically can) and hopefully learn alot along the way. 

So, here we go...there's alot to overcome and we are already nearly in February so we best crack on with it!!xx